ASP.NET MVC4 Developer Preview Released.

Microsoft has released ASP.Net MVC4 Developer Recently.

This version contains a lot of new features like

New default project template.

The default project template is redesigned to more modern looking website. The template employs a technique called adaptive rendering to look good in both desktop browsers and mobile browsers without any customization. Another enhancement is the use of JQueryUI to provide a richer UI. The login and register links in this template uses JQueryUI Dialog.

New mobile project template

Asp.Net MVC4 supports developing a website specifically for mobile or tablet browsers. You can use the new Mobile Application project. This is based on the JQuery Mobile, a JQuery based library for building touch optimized UI.

Display Modes

The new Display Mode feature lets an application select views depending on the browser that”s making the request. For example, if a desktop browser makes the request, the application might use the ViewsHomeIndex.cshtml template. If a mobile browser requests the home page, it might use the template.

You can download ASP.Net MVC4 for Visual Studio 2010 from